what does it mean when a guy always wants to help you

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Have you lot ever dated someone you idea was "the 1" only to find out months or even years into the relationship that they had no intention of making it official?

Information technology'due south heartbreaking.

It's the kind of news that can leave you reeling for a long time and crusade you to distrust new partners from the very get-go.

All suddenly, you're one of those women who is asking if he wants to get married and have kids on your first appointment so that you don't waste whatsoever more fourth dimension on him if he'due south not interested in the aforementioned things you're interested in.

It's tough.

Just to avert looking similar you've got a one-track heed and to brand certain you protect your heart, here are some signs to aid you lot see whether or not he's in this for the long booty or just messing around for a while.

These signs are jam-packed with insightful information nearly how he really feels and what he wants.

Let's get.

1. He is honest with you

If he'southward clear with how he is feeling, and he tells you that he loves you and he wants to spend a lot of time with you lot, then you can be certain that he wants a relationship with you.

I'll be the start to acknowledge that it takes a lot of guts for a man to admit how he is feeling, so accept it from me:

If a homo is telling you that he has strong feelings for y'all, you'd better believe him.

Men don't usually tell someone they love them unless they desire a human relationship with them, and they're confident that their love interest loves them back.

So you tin be certain he wants a human relationship with you if he is telling you he has feelings for y'all.

However, don't be too disheartened if he doesn't tell you he has feelings for you lot.


Because non all men are honest with their feelings. And that's normal.

It doesn't mean he doesn't want a relationship.

You just need to build trust and rapport earlier he feels comfortable enough to tell yous how he feels.

And you're going to accept to pick upwards on the signs below to effigy out if he wants a relationship with you.

two. He spends hours and hours asking you questions and questions

If he tin can sit all solar day long and inquire you question after question nigh yourself (and he actually listens to your answers) put it down that he definitely likes you.

Guys don't do that for fun. It takes effort for a man to be curious. They only ask questions when they like a girl and they desire to build a connection.

And don't forget:

If he remembers all the effectively details of what yous say, and so that's as well a great sign.


Because it shows that he'due south desperate to build rapport with yous.

He's taking in what y'all have to say, and he'due south using that data to go deeper into who you truly are.

The truth?

He'due south looking to build a potent connexion, and if he'due south looking for a stiff connection with y'all, and then he probably wants to exist in a relationship with you.

three. He does whatsoever yous need

"Trust what he does. Not what he says."

You've heard that phrase before, right?

It's a great line because information technology's true (it would also save a hell of a lot of heartaches if people followed it)

If he is helping you whenever you ask, keeping his promises, and showing upwards when he needs to show upward, then yous can bet your bottom dollar that he'due south into you.

After all, a man that wants to exist in a human relationship with you will evidence their intentions with action.

You're important to him, you're clearly a priority, and he doesn't want to disappoint yous.

In fact, he wants to be your hero and save the solar day.

A study published in the Physiology & Behavior journal shows that male'due south testosterone makes them feel protective over their mate'due south safety and well-being.

At that place's actually a fascinating new concept in relationship psychology that's getting a lot of buzz at the moment. It goes to the heart of the riddle nearly why men fall in love—and who they fall in love with.

The theory claims that men want to be your hero. That they want to step upward to the plate for the woman in their lives and provide and protect her.

This is securely rooted in male biology.

People are calling it the hero instinct.

The kicker is that a human won't fall in dearest with yous when he doesn't feel like your hero.

I know this might audio a bit silly. In this day and age, women don't demand someone to rescue them. They don't need a 'hero' in their lives.

And I couldn't hold more.

Simply hither'due south the ironic truth. Men do yet need to be a hero. Because it'southward built into our DNA to seek out relationships that allow united states to experience like a protector.

If you would like to learn more about the hero instinct, check out this gratuitous online video past the relationship psychologist who coined the term. He provides a fascinating insight into this new concept.

And then naturally, if he loves you lot, he would desire to protect you.

The bottom line?

Focusing on his actions will tell you lot exactly how he is feeling. As we've said earlier, guys aren't great when it comes to expressing their feelings, but their actions don't lie.

Hither's a link to the free video again.

four. He's told you he wants to be sectional with you

Well, this one is adequately obvious, isn't it?

If he makes it articulate that he is dating yous and merely you, then that by itself says that he wants to be in a long-term relationship with you.

There's no doubt about information technology.

After all, he doesn't want you to run across anyone else. Information technology would probably hurt him too much. He wants to talk to you lot and just y'all.

And he doesn't desire at that place to exist whatever ambiguity well-nigh where you two stand.

Wait, we all know what single men are like. They strive to engagement as many women as they maybe can.

But non him. He wants you for him and him for you, and that'due south a sure sign that he'd love to be in a human relationship with you lot and possibly fifty-fifty more in the future.

If you want to figure out if this guy wants you lot exclusively, check out our video below on vii signs he doesn't desire anyone else to have y'all.

5. You're a priority in his life

This is similar to the previous point. If information technology's apparent that you come first in his life, then you can be certain he wants a human relationship with you.

In fact, men are taught from a young age that they should never brand a female person their number i priority in life unless they're their girlfriend.

And that's off-white advice considering men would be regularly emotionally bruised if that were the case.

So if you're confident that he considers you lot his number ane priority, then information technology shows that he has decided that you're important to him and he wants to take a human relationship with you.

By the fashion, I'm non talking most him dropping everything for you lot. That'd be weird, co-dependent, and toxic (allow'due south exist honest).

But it means that he organizes meetings with y'all in accelerate, he shows up, never cancels plans, consistently chats with you on messaging apps, and most importantly, takes action to show you that he cares for you.

There'due south a space for you in his life, and he'due south subconsciously telling you to come to join him.

In the end, when a guy makes you a priority, information technology's obvious.

There's no second-guessing or hesitation from your end. You lot just know that he's there for you when you demand him.

half dozen. He tells yous all the gossip nearly his family and friends

One of the well-nigh important things to watch for is how he talks most his friends and family.

If he skims the surface and doesn't give you much to go along, he's probably non thinking about the future together.

However, if he tells you all the abrasive things his family does or his sis does, then it's a good sign he sees you beingness around for a while.

According to dating proficient Celia Schweyer, vulnerability is a sure sign that he cares and wants to make sure y'all know what you lot're getting into with him and his posse.

8. You don't have to do anything

One mode to tell that this guy is looking for a long-term relationship is that you don't have to do any of the chasing.

If he likes you and wants to make you a role of his life, he'll do all the piece of work.

The thrill of the chase is fun sometimes, but for him, he wants to make it articulate to you lot what he is looking for by showing you how serious he is about y'all and this human relationship.

9. Desire advice specific to your situation?

While this article explores the main signs he wants a serious relationship with yous, information technology tin be helpful to speak to a human relationship coach most your situation.

With a professional human relationship motorbus, you can get advice specific to your life and your experiences…

Human relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations, similar committing to someone. They're a very popular resource for people facing this sort of challenge.

How do I know?

Well, I reached out to them a few months ago when I was going through a tough patch in my ain human relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for and then long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my human relationship and how to get it back on rails.

I was diddled abroad by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was.

In just a few minutes, you can connect with a certified human relationship motorcoach and get tailor-fabricated advice for your situation.

Click here to get started.

10. He's settled in his life

Now we've spoken a lot about how he treats you to effigy out if he wants a relationship, but we need to cover his electric current circumstances in life.

Is he ready for a relationship?

Subsequently all, when information technology comes to settling downwards in a relationship, fourth dimension is everything (peculiarly for a man).

If he doesn't have a stable chore, no money in the bank, and he's jumping from place to place, he may not exist looking for a human relationship.

On the other manus, if he owns a car and he is looking to buy a firm, then you know he'south settled down and ready to run across the love of his life.

You lot can too learn a lot about your human by the kind of dating life he is experiencing correct now.

Does it sound like he is jumping from date to date? Proud of having a "bachelor pad?"

He might exist settled downwardly in terms of his job and his business firm, simply he might be relishing beingness a "playboy" and bringing over girls every 2d night.

And that'southward the kind of guy that doesn't desire a relationship.

Of course, if you've only just started dating him, information technology can exist tough to figure out if he is a thespian or he genuinely likes you.

Then here's how you tell:

If he spends time talking himself upwards and avoids asking yous likewise many questions, so it's more than than likely he's a player and not a nice guy.

Just if he asks you 18-carat questions, listens, and then repeats with follow-up questions, the signs point to him genuinely existence interested in developing a relationship with you.

11. He talks about his plans for the future with y'all and asks almost yours

Is he asking y'all well-nigh your time to come plans? Talks about his own?

This is a sign that he is ready for a relationship.


Considering if he is request you about your future plans, he's trying to effigy out if yous'll fit into his plans (you know for a relationship, and who knows, maybe even wedlock!)

For example, if you share that you're going overseas side by side year, he'll probably sigh and look disappointed.

After all, he considers you an option for edifice a strong relationship and if you're going overseas then that conspicuously won't be happening.

If he's only interested in a fling with y'all, then he probably won't care that you're going overseas because it doesn't affect his plans.

Don't fall for that guy.

And let's be honest:

Guys don't brand a lot of plans for the time to come that they reveal publicly so if your man is all virtually what is happening adjacent week, next month and next yr – there'south a proficient risk he's to exist yours forever.

Does he use the word "nosotros" when talking to you lot about the future? If and then, he loves yous.

Co-ordinate to dating practiced Michael Fraley, "if your partner often talking near trips you volition one day take together or what your children will look similar" then there is a "pretty practiced chance they see longevity with you."

12. He shows up when y'all demand help

If yous call him for help, does he evidence up as presently he can?

Exercise you lot know in your eye that you can ever rely on him to be in that location for you?

If he is the i who shows upwards when things are going wrong, he's probably in love and he's ready for a relationship with you.

Co-ordinate to psychotherapist Christine Scott-Hudson:

"Pay twice as much attention to how someone treats y'all than what they say. Anybody tin say they love you lot, simply the beliefs doesn't lie. If someone says they value you, but their deportment betoken otherwise, trust their behavior."

The fact of the matter is this:

If he is showing he cares for you lot by helping yous whenever y'all need it, then he might exist a guy that you want to agree onto.

13. He shares his feelings with you

Nosotros all know that men aren't normally the ones to speak about their feelings.

It takes so much endeavor for them.

Therefore, if he's spilling his feelings on yous and getting all emotional, you can bet your bottom dollar he loves you enough to desire to exist in a human relationship with y'all.

You can usually tell how open up he is to expressing his feelings when he isn't afraid to reply all of your questions.

It'southward obvious that he isn't trying to hide things from you.

Nonetheless, it'southward not easy for men to share their feelings with you lot. And if he doesn't open up, this isn't necessarily a sign that he doesn't desire a serious human relationship with you.

The fact is that it's natural for men and women to exist on the wrong wavelength almost committing to a serious relationship.


Male and female person brains are biologically different. For instance, the limbic organisation is the emotional processing center of the brain and it'due south much larger in the female brain than in a man'southward.

That's why women are more in touch with their emotions. And why guys tin struggle to process and understand their feelings. The outcome is that men tin can exist a lot of confusion.

If you've ever been with an emotionally unavailable man earlier, blame his biology rather than him.

The thing is, to stimulate the emotional part of a man's brain, you lot accept to communicate with him in a way that he'll actually sympathise.


Try watching this simple and genuine video from Carlos Cavallo.

Well-nigh men don't think nigh delivery in a logical way. Because men are mainly concerned with how the relationship makes them experience about themselves.

In curt, your man needs to feel similar he's establish the absolute all-time woman for him. Like he's won the game of love.

Carlos Cavallo will show you a really simple and genuine style to give your man this unique feeling…

Here's a link to his costless video again.

14. He wants to be a function of your life

Just as much as he wants to share everything with you lot, he likewise wants to be a role of your life.

In fact, he wants to immerse himself in it.

He doesn't but want to see your family and friends. He goes out of his style so that they will like him.

He tries to spend fourth dimension with the people who matter to you lot, likewise. He'south not afraid to get a permanent fixture in your life.

He even wants to be a part of things y'all're passionate near. He wants to try yoga because you love it, or go to a cooking form with y'all even if that'south non something he would unremarkably exercise.

It's one thing that he takes involvement in you. But when he starts participating in your life because he wants to "belong" in it, that means he truly loves you lot and he definitely wants a relationship with yous.

fifteen. You're on the automatic invite listing with his friends

When the guys are getting together, they already presume you'll be tagging along.

This car-invite is something that happens when y'all've been accustomed by his friends and family.

They'll inquire after you if you don't show up one dark and give him hell for leaving yous home.

It'll only happen once though because he's just equally serious about yous equally his friends are.

sixteen. He gives you lot all of his attention

There might be millions of women out in that location just to him, you lot really are one in a million. He just cares about what you are doing and how y'all are doing.

He doesn't pay attending to others around him, peculiarly women. He locks eyes on you and can't look away.

He will spend hours talking to you, even if you call up there are much prettier women in the room that he could be talking to.

Research from Loyola University suggests that people who are in love have lower levels of serotonin, which could exist a sign of obsession.

"This may explain why nosotros concentrate on little other than our partner during the early stages of a relationship," said obstetrician-gynecologist Mary Lynn, Practise.

Don't let a little self-doubt fool you: this guy has fallen hard. With then many distractions in the world today, if someone pays you lot that much attention, it'south with practiced reason.

And if he is fallen that hard, then it'south more than probable he is ready for a relationship with you.

17. He's candid and transparent and tells it similar information technology is

You'll know he's in this for the long-booty when he starts sharing stories about his past and where he came from.

He'll share horror stories and wins with you. He doesn't concord back. He wants you to know what y'all're getting into so that nobody wastes whatever time here.

But he's non but telling you so you can make a calculated decision about your future, he's telling you lot because it's important that the woman he loves knows exactly who he is. It's role of his values organization.

eighteen. Y'all brand him feel appreciated

Does your human experience like appreciated? Does he feel like he is an important part of your life?

If he does, then it's likely he wants a serious relationship with you.

For a homo, feeling appreciated is often what separates "like" from "love".

Don't go me incorrect, no uncertainty your guy loves your force and abilities to be independent. Merely he still wants to experience wanted and useful — non dispensable!

This is because men have a built in desire for something "greater" that goes beyond honey or sex.

Information technology's why men who seemingly have the "perfect girlfriend" are still unhappy and find themselves constantly searching for something else — or worst of all, someone else.

Simply put, men take a biological bulldoze to feel needed, to be appreciated, and to provide for the woman he cares about.

Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls it the hero instinct. I talked briefly about earlier in this article.

As James argues, male desires are not complicated, just misunderstood. Instincts are powerful drivers of homo behavior and this is peculiarly truthful for how men approach their relationships.

So, when the hero instinct isn't triggered, men are unlikely to commit to a human relationship with whatever woman.

He holds dorsum considering existence in a relationship is a serious investment for him. And he won't fully "invest" in yous unless you lot give him a sense of meaning and purpose and make him experience essential.

How practice y'all trigger this instinct in him? And give him this sense of meaning and purpose?

Y'all don't need to pretend to be anyone you're non or play the "damsel in distress". Y'all don't accept to dilute your forcefulness or independence in any fashion, shape or form.

In an authentic manner, you simply have to show your homo what you lot need and let him to footstep up to fulfill it.

In his new video, James Bauer outlines several things you can exercise. He reveals phrases, texts and piffling requests that you lot tin can use right now to make him feel more essential to y'all. Lookout man his unique video here.

By triggering this very natural male instinct, you'll not only give him greater satisfaction but it will as well help to rocket your relationship to the next level.

Here'due south a link to the video again.

19. He's not agape to be himself.

Guys talk a good game only if he can relax and be himself around you lot – his words – then you know he's into you as much every bit you lot are into him.

He can his true accurate self because he trusts you and feels comfortable.

According to Rob Pascale and Lou Primavera Ph.D. in Psychology Today, "Trust is i of the keystones of whatever human relationship—without it two people cannot be comfortable with each other and the relationship lacks stability."

If yous find he is different around his friends and family than how he acts around yous, this could exist a red flag that he is trying to hide something from you.

Generally, however, it's really that he feels the nigh comfortable with you and then you get to come across the real him.

How can you tell?

Pay attention to what he tells yous almost himself. If he seems to be leaving out details or is glazing over of import parts of the chat, it'southward not really love.

But if he is prepared to reveal everything about his life, even the bad bits, and then it's likely that he 18-carat about his feelings for yous.

And most chiefly, he wants a long-term relationship with you.

twenty. He doesn't cancel on you, no matter what

He might be riddled with a cold, but cold-be-damned, he is not canceling a engagement with you.

You'll eventually accept to talk him into going to bed…alone, and so he can rest and feel amend, only just know that he makes the effort where information technology counts. He doesn't want to disappoint you in any mode.

21. He kisses y'all hello and bye

Guys who are into girls in a big manner always develop some kind of routine for greeting and maxim goodbye.

If he hugs you or kisses you howdy and does the same at goodbye, it's because he sees yous growing old together and having a ritual of welcoming and parting.

He might not even realize he's doing that himself, just information technology's an easy manner for you to tell if he'due south committed or not.

22. He has called you his girlfriend in front of other people

If nothing else, you lot'll know he wants to be in a long-term human relationship and non just a casual fling when he starts referring to you as his girlfriend in his circles.

Another thing to watch out for, if he hasn't yet said the girlfriend word, is whether or non his family and friends take called you his girlfriend – it's not so much about the utilize of the give-and-take equally it is how he reacts to the utilise of the word.

Scout for signs that he likes the audio of it to know he's interested in a relationship. It'll help you seal this bargain sooner.

23. He tells you virtually things he did and isn't proud of

He wants y'all to know that he's non perfect and that he doesn't expect anyone else to exist perfect either.

He wants you to know that he can learn from his mistakes and that he won't always exist able to keep it together, only that it's worth information technology to look for him to come up around to be better.

Guys don't just tell you all the ways they messed up for fun – he wants you to know and encounter him the style nobody ever has.

24. You know about all of his past relationship failures

While the jury'due south out nigh whether or non you should share information nigh your past relationships, he wants you to know where he's messed upward so you tin can see that he's matured and changed over the years.

Information technology takes two to tango and he probably wants to know about your relationships as well. Information technology's not that he's living in the past, but that he wants to share his hereafter with someone who respects all of him.

25. He says he is tired of dating

You know how this feels: another engagement. Another blind date. Another fix upwardly from a friend. It becomes a lot.

He'due south already said a few times that he is tired of dating and wants to discover someone he can exist with for the balance of his life.

Information technology'south non that he is looking to settle, but he wants to become a feel for where you stand on the consequence.

26. He makes you and your needs a priority

You'll know he'south serious about this relationship considering he comes around when you need him and he has no trouble putting you and your needs first.

Information technology's not that he wants to ditch his friends, but he wants to give this relationship the fourth dimension information technology needs to flourish. He knows that nothing works if you don't work it.

27. His actions speak louder than his words

He might not be saying he loves you just even so, but he lets you lot know in lots of niggling ways just how important yous are to him.

You experience loved when he holds you and talks to yous and shares experiences with you lot.

It'due south not rocket science just it feels like information technology could be at times – this stuff feels more than complicated than it needs to be sometimes.

28. He is looking for someone to build a life with – non to fit into his lifestyle

Because he'southward serious about being in a relationship, he's not looking for someone to just retrofit into his lifestyle; he wants someone to build a new life with and he makes it clear that he wants to have someone to grow old with.

He might not have great article of furniture or a nice place but don't allow that terminate you from seeing this guy's potential.

It could be that he just hasn't invested in his own life yet considering he's waiting for someone to invest in with him.

29. It'southward assumed he will bring you when he hangs out with his family unit and friends

Even if you aren't getting the long-game vibe from this guy, you lot tin can exist assured that he's thinking long-term with y'all when his friends and family are disappointed when you have to go out.

They ask if you're coming around when he says he'southward coming to visit.

They just presume you lot'll be riding shotgun when he pulls into the bulldoze.

If he's not saying and you're not asking, you tin can withal notice the data y'all demand by looking at how his family and friends treat you.

On the other hand, what if he doesn't want a serious relationship or you don't know how he feels?

Now if he hasn't exhibited the in a higher place signs, then you might not know where you lot stand.

There are few things more than aggravating than non knowing what you mean to another person, peculiarly to someone yous are securely attracted to.

The incertitude causes stress and anxiety because you always seem to be trapped in a limbo betwixt existence where you want to be — in the arms of the man you love — and being just any other friend to them.

If you lot're a woman feeling similar this about a man in your life, you're not solitary.

What you take to do now is go inside his head and empathize what he's actually thinking.

Human relationship skilful James Bauer'due south excellent new video volition help you to really empathise what makes men tick. You'll learn the type of woman men routinely fall in love with and how to make sure that woman is y'all.

You can scout the video here.

James reveals a relationship "secret ingredient" few women know about which holds the key to a man's love and devotion and devotion for life.

Watching this video could be the departure between staying friends or existence in a passionate relationship with him.

Here's a link to the free video again.

Can a human relationship passenger vehicle help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can exist very helpful to speak to a relationship autobus.

I know this from personal experience…

A few months agone, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for then long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on rails.

If y'all oasis't heard of Relationship Hero earlier, it's a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult dear situations.

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Source: https://hackspirit.com/signs-he-wants-serious-relationship-with-you/

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