Hus Took a Nap and Sleepy Again Is This a Twin Pregnsncy

Of all the unimaginable aspects of grief, in that location is one thing we hear people say fourth dimension and over again that they really didn't expect: physical grief symptoms. Though they may be surprised past the intensity or type of emotions they experience, they at to the lowest degree saw them coming. Physical responses, on the other mitt, are an unanticipated and unwanted bonus.

In grief, the tendency to translate physical symptoms as threatening may be increased. Only ask Google about the billions of searches dedicated to phrases similar "I have a toothache, am I dying?" In the past, a headache was a headache, but after the devastating loss of a loved one, you are all-to-familiar with the reality that life tin turn on a dime.

Suddenly that headache is conspicuously a sign of something terrible. This distress around concrete grief symptoms often emerges with thoughts similar:

In this article, nosotros're going to hash out some of the more mutual physical grief symptoms. We want to normalize these somatic experiences and encourage you NOT TO PANIC if you lot feel them. Things similar fatigue, aches, pains, changes in ambition, etc are normal in astute grief.

That said, we are not doctors and your health is very specific toyou. So, we do recommend you lot talk over with your dr. whatever symptoms that you detect apropos. Especially symptoms that are ongoing; that don't become improve with time; or which you feel are impacting your day-to-day performance. Non only can your md rule out any underlying causes, but they may also be able to help you make a plan for managing your physical discomforts.

Concrete Symptoms of Grief


You feel exhausted all the time.  You feel run down. You are always set for a nap. Ironically, when yous try to slumber y'all may not exist able to, only making your fatigue worse.   Or peradventure you lot're getting plenty of slumber and yet feeling fatigued, due to the constant emotional strain of grief.

Tips: When you're struggling with fatigue, sleep is a proficient place to start simply it isn't the only factor.  If y'all haven't already, check out some of our tips for grief and getting a good night's sleep.   Some of the other items on this list can besides help with combating fatigue.

Aches and pains:

It is not uncommon for people to experience generalized muscle aches in grief, sometimes so astringent it feels like the flu! Y'all are experiencing the weight of abiding stress, you are fatigued, you may not be sleeping, you're torso is tense.  Enquiry has even found that grief  "aggravates" symptoms of physical pain in older adults.

Tips: Focus on body relaxation. Things like meditation, getting a massage, and stretching can sometimes be helpful.  And who doesn't need an excuse for a massage! If yous tin can't afford a massage, cheque to see if there is a local massage schoolhouse in your area – they often need exercise clients and so you tin get a massage for a deep discount or gratis.

If y'all are struggling with chronic pain that you feel may be exacerbated by your loss, talk to a pain management specialist. Be aware of the risks of "self-medicating" with drugs and alcohol when physical pain is increased, and consider looking into alternative therapies, similar acupuncture, biofeedback, and talking to a therapist.

Tightness in the chest, shortness of jiff

This is a symptom that can be associated with cardiac problems, so definitely a reason to talk to your doctor. That said, a more generalized sense of tightness or shortness of breath may be the upshot of feet.

Tips: Look into tips for coping with anxiety in grief, as well as some full general relaxation approaches like meditation and deep breathing.  Breathing techniques tin can be helpful and calming not only with tightness and shortness of jiff, simply in many difficult and stressful situations.  Lastly, bank check out our post on coping with grief triggers.


Yes, this is a type of anguish/hurting, only information technology is a very specific and very common type. Stress is the nearly common source of headaches and, every bit you well know if y'all're reading this, grief is i, huge, immense, life-encompassing stressor.

Tips: There are a lot of lists out there for managing tension headaches, though many just scratch the surface (call up cool compresses and ibuprofen).  This list goes a bit deeper than some we've seen and might exist a good place to first.


Grievers often tell us, "It feels like I can't remember anything!" From losing keys to forgetting to pick kids upwardly from daycare, to missing meetings or appointments, and on and on, forgetfulness can start to experience like a new way of life.

Try not to get too worried.  For most people, this slowly improves with fourth dimension.  If you lot don't run across this improving, talk to your doctor to brand sure nothing else is going on!

Tips: Apply the simple tools at your disposal: to-do lists, phone alerts/reminders, phone calendars with alerts (that you can set up a twenty-four hours or week in advance, and then y'all aren't getting the starting time reminder v minutes before!).

Create an "important stuff" spot in your house – it doesn't have to be organized, but if it is something really important at least y'all know what general expanse it is in.  Try to continue a humour – information technology is hard to express mirth at yourself when you get to the grocery store without your purse, when you're emotionally teetering and about to burst into tears, but it tin can help if you can muster it.

Disability to focus

Y'all may be seeing a connection here. It can feel impossible to focus on annihilation when you are under stress, distracted and forgetful, or struggling with fatigue or headaches.

You may find yourself totally zoning out in meetings, in class, in conversations, and almost anywhere else. Sometimes yous may be distracted by memories of your loved ane or thinking nigh life stressors that accept come with the loss.

Tips: Improving focus can be tough, even when grief isn't involved.  That said, check out our commodity, Grief and Concentration: viii Tips for Coping With an Inability to Focus

Appetite changes or digestive bug

Maybe y'all accept simply eaten two pieces of toast all calendar week. Possibly you stopped at McDonald's three times yesterday.  Whether information technology is significant increases or decreases, changes in ambition are normal with grief and many other life stressors.  Even if you're appetite has stayed the same you lot may feel feelings of nausea or other digestive bug that can come with grief and stress.

Tips: Nutrient is continued to both physical and emotional health, then getting this in check can be helpful.  If you are struggling with eating plenty, focus on at to the lowest degree making sure your basic nutritional needs met.  A healthy smoothie or soup with a expert balance of fats, proteins, and carbs can become a long way in helping you become what you need.

We have a post hither from a health autobus on tips for trying to eat salubrious, even when you take no motivation.  If you are concerned because you're eating more than or less healthy than y'all are accustomed, you lot're not alone.  This is a common effect in emotionally difficult times and we have a mail on that too!

Getting sick more often

There is enough of research showing that stress in general, and grief specifically, tin take a cost on the immune arrangement. Enquiry has likewise shown this impact on the immune system is most significant in older adults who are grieving.

Tips: Follow suggestions for many of the other concrete grief symptoms mentioned above. Improving slumber, nutrition, and managing stress can all help in lowering your take a chance of getting sick.  In improver, you lot tin can talk to your doctor nigh nutrition and supplements that aid with boosting your allowed organization.

If y'all are looking for some general tips on taking intendance of yourself, don't miss Eleanor's epic list of 64 self-care tips.

Get out a annotate to share how concrete grief symptoms have impacted you and any tips you have for coping!


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