Easy Way to Do Dilvery From the Past Escape From Tarkov

Don't listen to the sweaty fanboys, you are right to be upset. Especially since at this stage of the wipe, it gets increasingly difficult to achieve a successful completion of this particular task. The sweaty gitgud fanboys are especially those who cuddle in teams of 3-4 and probably never did it on their own and even then probably only once this late into the patch. They have no empathy for new players, nor an understanding how the heaps of such bad game aspects will turn off the audience.

Sure, it is fun to have challenging tasks, to a certain point. Sure, it is difficult for the developers to find the right balance, I do not envy the decision making. But the misperception is that this just makes it more "hardcore" that way. What they seem to miss, is that it is only hardcore for those who play solo and for those who bought the game late into a wipe. While the latter is solved by staying on board for a few more wipes, getting better and solving this quest faster and with more experience, it remains a challenge for all solo players, whether good or bad. Making certain tasks difficult for only a part of players, is contrary to their own intentions, as they make it a walk in the park for some.

For me, this is the task I tend to postpone endlessly, because it is just a grind. Customs is the map that for some misunderstood reason most newbies play, because they were told by the vets that this is the map to get good. Actually, the opposite is true: it is the most tricky and challenging map for solo players, as it is compact with pinchpoints, boss with heavy cronies near quest locations, a lot of snipers, limited-use key needed for more efficient survival, easy overwatch for thermal guys over half the map, basically the most difficult map after Labs. In addition, most beginner quests are cramped into this map, forcing off most firefights early in the patch, not giving noobs any chance on survival. Just like the golden watch, the lighter in the Dorms, the docs in the train wagon, the Delivery from the Past is a pain to do for that reason, as pretty much every player will be rushing the big red Customs building to get the quest item, then rush Factory to plant it. Most do this in teams or team up with randos in Discord to avoid having to do it alone and grind it endlessly. So the task is far from difficult for them for this reason and they love to make you feel bad about your skills, while probably alone they would hate doing it. A team simply keeps guarding Big Red exits and proceeds until all of them have the item (in separate raids if need be), then jointly enter Factory with basically only one or two PMC left to fill the player number threshold, making it a simple stroll to the location, plant it and making it the easiest quest of all. While others playing solo loop this for half a dozen times, because of the disadvantage of solo playing. (never mind the reactions now coming from all the fanboys to just team up in Discord, it just agrees with the fact that this is an issue and instead of solving an issue, they prefer to patch it endlessly, so they don't have to admit it is a mistake)

The absurdity of this whole quest is that it is one of the few where you need to visit two different maps, but the second one is one where a team can basically dominate the whole map, which makes it insanely easy for them and that much more difficult for a solo player. Any other map for planting the item would have been better, as it would at least have meant to traverse the map and even for a team it would hold challenges from other players. I suspect that the thinking of the devs was that because it is a difficult task due to needing two survivals in a row, they wanted to make it "easier" by doing the second part in Factory, where you hardly meet any scav resistance and can reach the location quickly. The thing they forgot about, is the solo vs team aspect of it, meaning that if you are a solo player, Factory is one of the maps with the lowest survival odds due to its CQC type of raid. Imagine a CSGO game with a team of 3-4 against a solo player, every single time :D So while their initial intentions may have been good, the end result has become really bad. In time, they mostly do correct these, but until then their playerbase shrinks. Admitting mistakes eary on would make them the wiser, but they seem to think it makes them look weak.

I was lucky for having to repeat it only once when I did it first wipe and this is my second only and stopped playing months ago. But for most who are not even close to the 30-40% survival rate yet, it is a major pain. The solution would be one that fixes much about Factory in general: no team spawning in Factory. It is far too easy to farm scavs in Factory for teams, to collect easy loot and experience, without any effort. The game's hardcore nature should not allow such loopholes where playing and progress is that much easier for some, especially not for teams. I fail to understand why these issues are not addressed, other than the obvious, stubborn kind of sticking to things once decided upon.

It is basically just one of the many flaws of the game that center around the same core issue: Imbalance. But the devs do not seem to want to change anything about this imbalance, unless eventually they get forced to. Just like the out-of-raid healing process, where they have already taken a major step back, just like I predicted and they will at some point fully abolish it. Because some things make little sense, but it takes one to be strong enough to admit mistakes. Pride is foolish.


Source: https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/125714-prapor-delivery-from-the-past-resetting/

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